I must post another day………….in another way…….

Hey you,

This was a lot of fun for me. I learned so much blogging for my first time and must admit was very therapeutic. I have to go now. I can’t spend the attention you deserve to continue to post things of which may have value. If I had enough time to spare, I would dedicate it here, but alas, it is impossible now. I could throw things up that were not given thought, but that would always nag at me as not being authentic. It just doesn’t feel right to play it half-ass.

I might keep this up for awhile, I might take it down, for now I’ll just sit on it and see what happens. Life changes quickly as you see……always mutuable and different to the observer.

Take Care……


PS: I am actually sad…..you were my first

Published in: on September 27, 2009 at 10:08 AM  Comments (7)